April Fool’s – Scott Social Media Allen https://scottsocialmediaallen.com Social media is my middle name. I wrote a couple of books about it. Wed, 14 Dec 2016 20:01:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.1 My New Dream Job https://scottsocialmediaallen.com/my-new-dream-job/ https://scottsocialmediaallen.com/my-new-dream-job/#comments Fri, 01 Apr 2011 19:33:08 +0000 https://scottsocialmediaallen.com/my-new-dream-job/ Sadly, my recent stint at OneCoach didn’t work out. I went into it eyes wide open, but unfortunately didn’t know about the ticking time bomb inside the albatross. C’est la vie. I met some great people and did some of the best work of my career. No regrets.

Today, though, I’m pleased to announce that I have landed a new dream job – even better than the last one. I’m the new Director of Social Media for the Libyan Arab Republic, reporting directly to The Brother Leader himself, Muammar Gaddafi.

Now I know I have an uphill battle ahead of me, thanks to the lies perpetrated and propagated by the Western political-media propaganda machine. But I’ve never been one to shy away from a challenge, especially for a cause I believe in, and that pays me well.

The TRUTH is that the Libyan people LOVE Gaddafi, and the so-called “freedom fighters” are nothing but CIA-backed terrorists. Here’s how the Libyan people truly feel about their leader:

My strategy is pretty simple – perhaps deceptively so:

  1. Monitor the major social media channels for anti-Gaddafi comments and conversations and respond appropriately with the facts. Also, identify and report those supporters to the Khamis Brigade.
  2. Start building a new, hipper personal brand for Brother Leader as “Bro MuGee” – you can follow @BroMuGee on Twitter.
  3. Produce enough favorable content to push all the negative stuff out of the first page of rankings…for every possible spelling of his name.
  4. Provide clarity on how to spell his name:

I’ll give this my all, as I do every client and every job I’ve ever had. I’m going into it eyes wide open. Still, I think I might want to keep my options open, so if you know of anyone who’s looking for a brilliant, hard-working social media strategist, please put me in touch with them!

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