My Epic Rock Star Moment at Tech Karaoke 2010 SXSW

March 15, 2010, will go down as one of the great moments of my life – the time we rocked so hard we blew a fuse.

It was Tech Karaoke at Six Lounge, with LC Rocks (awesome band!), and I was following Chris Bailey on stage, who had just rocked the house with a rousing rendition of Judas Priest’s “Living After Midnight”. I’m doing Led Zeppelin, “Rock and Roll”.

One thing I’ve learned about karaoke…whatever you lack in talent, you can often make up for with enthusiasm. And while I actually can sing, a weekend of SXSW partying and a couple (or a couple of couple) of drinks were taking their toll.

So once I grabbed the mike, before we started the song, I got the crowd going with Rock Concert Movement #23:

“Are you readaaaaaaa…y? Are you redaaaaaaaaaa…y? Are you ready to rock and rooooooll?”

Crowd goes nuts, drummer hammers out the opening beat, guitar kicks in with the intro riff, and the adrenaline hits me like I mainlined it. So we’re rockin’ out, coming out of the guitar solo, and I kick in with the wail going into the last verse that’s up an octave, and…

POP, then nothing. Silence (well, relatively speaking – the crowd was still pretty loud).

Yup, we rocked it so hard we blew the breaker!

Fortunately, they got it back on within a couple of minutes, and we finished it out. Crowd went nuts, and I had my rock star moment.

Most of it was caught on tape (the edit at about 1:50 is when the breaker blew). The archived reality may not be nearly as spectacular as my own memory of it, but I’m still glad to have it on video to share:

Much credit and thanks to:


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